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Education through Excellence
Worcester Gymnasium offers a wide subject choice, which includes academic, commercial and technical subjects.
Upon successfully completing their high school careers at WG, learners will be equipped to either join the work force or further their studies at any tertiary institution – depending on individual subject choice and achievement.
Our goal is for our learners to be well-balanced individuals who are equipped with a wide range of skills to cope in a multicultural and ever-changing world.
Our mission
As a value-driven, bilingual educational institution and through our pursuit of excellence on all terrains, we aim to educate our learners to become disciplined, responsible, independent, ethically informed and critical thinking citizens who can confidently take up their rightful place within a multicultural society.

Payment plan
- Full settlement must be paid on the first day of school
- Upon written request the amount may be paid in 11 monthly instalments (December/January — November). Payments due by the 1st of the month
- All new entrants must pay the first instalment upon acceptance
- School fees paid in full before the end of December receive a 10% discount (excluding development fund)
- School fees paid in full before end of January the following year receive a 5% discount (excluding development fund)
Banking details
Worcester Gymnasium
Absa Worcester
Account number: 440 153 747
Branch code: 632 005
REF: Family Code, Surname and Name

Ready to invest in your child’s future?
- Blue shirt (winter: long sleeve, summer: short sleeve)
- Grey trousers (boys and girls) or dark blue skirts (girls)
- Dark blue blazer and school tie compulsory in winter
- Only the official school scarf may be worn in winter
- PT clothes:
- PT navy shorts or school tracksuit pants
- PT shirt or school tracksuit top
- Blue socks (girls); white socks (boys)
- Sport trainers
- Only navy blue or black school bags are allowed
All school clothes and sportswear are available at:
De Jagers
All 4 U Creations
CW Screenprinters

ca schoeman
School Principal

a le roux
Deputy Principal: Disciplinary Head

r laubscher
Deputy Principal: Academic Head

j joubert
HOD: Sport

D Rabie
HOD: Culture

k minnie
HOD: Technical Infrastructure

R Jv Rensburg
HOD: Afrikaans

B Tesselaar
HOD: English

HOD: Mathematics

E Nel
Grade Head: Grade 8

T Heradien
Grade Head: Grade 9

n delport
Grade Head: Grade 10

Grade Head: Grade 11

Grade Head: Grade 12

Tussen berge in ‘n lowerkom
Van water, vrug en edel wyn
Is ons geborge in geloof, kultuur en
Alma Mater
With diligence and humility
We serve our community
And in God are proud
Of our heritage and school:
Worcester Gymnasium
Deur spel en werk leef ons tesaam
Die leuse Diligentia
En dra met trots die simbole van
ons skool se hele wese
With diligence and humility
We serve our community
And in God are proud
Of our heritage and school:
Worcester Gymnasium
Our school as one
Gather hands together
One mind, one heart
Every child, parent and teacher
Once joined never apart
Just to be the best we can
Sets the goal for every man
If we win, lose or draw
There’s a winner in us all
Join us now in union
Our school, Gymnasium
Every child, parent and
Gymnasium, our school, our pride!
Worcester Gymnasium was founded in 1992 after the amalgamation of Worcester High School and Worcester East High School. Both these schools have a long history.
According to historians, licenses were granted to farmers to graze their cattle in the Breede River Valley before 1700.
By 1709, there were farms between the Breede and Romans River. The first plots of land for town settlement in the Worcester magisterial district were sold by public auction in February 1820. After the first ten years, there were several private schools in the town and surrounding area.
Worcester High School
By 1872, the Country District Free School already had 132 learners on its register. The Undenominational Boys’ Public School, which preceded the Boys’ High School, started in July 1873 with 78 boys.
This boys’ school, as well as the Girls’ High School, which started in January 1876 with 16 girls, later became two of the better-known schools in the Cape Province.
Through the years learners have made their mark in all spheres of society.
Following worldwide trends, the need for co-education increased and after negotiations, the two schools amalgamated.
In January 1972 Worcester High School was founded on the site of the Boys’ High School. The Old Hall and the north-eastern wing of the Boys’ School were kept for use by the new school.
The buildings of the Girls’ High School currently house the Hugo Naudé Art School and the School Clinic. Another product of the amalgamation was Montana High School, situated to the north of the town.
Worcester East High School